Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Lunchbox Review

The Lunchbox is a wonderfully simple tale of two people who connect through a lunchbox exchange. I really enjoyed this film because it felt very fresh and original. Usually with stories like this, two people meet in an unexpected way and get to know each other through various coincidental circumstances and “fall in love” by the end of the movie, but not this film. I enjoyed that this film was purely about the friendship of these two people learning about each other’s lives through short notes exchanged through a lunchbox that wasn't even brought to the right location. The visuals were very simple, but were completely focused around the lunchbox that served as an emotional element to the film. Every time you see the lunchbox on screen you observe how each character is reacting to it and their emotional state. For example, at the beginning when the main character receives the lunchbox, he is confused but as the film continues on, you see the excitement in his face when he receives the lunchbox because he knows it means that he gets to communicate to his new friend. I enjoyed the relationship conflict the characters had in their own lives of feeling lonely in some way. The man was living alone and was depressed while the woman felt neglected and unappreciated by her husband, thus they immediately bonded and helped each other through difficult times without ever really seeing each other. I felt the film ended on a very satisfying note, where both characters were confidently independent with their choices as the women decided to leave her husband and live a new life and the man comes out of his depression states and enjoys life more. What a beautiful film! 

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